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This is a publication documenting a centuries-old choreo-musical ritual from Southern Italy, used to exorcise women of a mysterious evil caused by the bite of a spider. It gathers contributions by artists, sociologists, anthropologists, scientists, and priests, and features a large ensemble of photographs.

With nine essays focusing on various dimensions of the ritual, this bilingual publication gives the voice to artists, photographers, sociologists, anthropologists, and catholic priests. Witnesses, experts or actors of the history of this music exorcism, the book contains the contributions and exclusive photographs of: Chiara Samugheo (Pier Paolo Pasolini’s photographer), Edoardo Winspeare, Claudia Attimonelli, Pamela Dia- mante, Luigi Chiriatti, Salvatore Bevilacqua, Gino Di Mitri and Mattia Zappellaro.

bilingual edition (English / Italian)

16,5 x 23,5 cm (hardcover)

168 pages (color & b/w ill.)

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